Le Bestiaire
9 Warriors (2023)
Spray paint with stencil, paintbrush, on previously black painted walls
Displayed at House of Paint II (Zimeysa, Geneva)
General view (left side)

Detail of a coleoptera

General view (right side)

Details: light reflection in the background patterns (3 pictures)

Detail: materials, reflection, patterns

Left wall

Middle wall

Right wall

Detail: title

Making of 9 Warriors: detail of a stencil

Final phase: painting the volumes for each coleoptera
9 Warriors (2023)
Spray paint with stencil, paintbrush, on previously black painted walls
This work is my contribution to House of Paint II (see also House of Paint on Instagram), a collective exhibition & event of street art and graffiti in a building meant to be destroyed
Zimeysa, Geneva, 2023-2024
- Very special thanks to my partner, Sandrine Rudaz, who helped me all along the process, and this was huge ! -