two pages of the graphic novel amonjak : a man running in snowy and windy streets

Stephan Bersier

Amonjak - extract (1999-2006-2009)

Mixed media (ballpoint pen on paper and computer graphics)

pages 37-38

two pages of the graphic novel amonjak : a man arriving from snowy streets at the club le minotaure

pages 39-40

two pages of the graphic novel amonjak : a man and a barmaid in the club le minotaure, with gothic people dancing in the background

pages 41-42


Pages from the graphic novel "Amonjak" (1999-2006-2009)

Created by Sébastien Mussi and Stephan Bersier between 1999 and 2006, 2nd version finished in 2009

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